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Iossifidis, Ioannis

Motion constraint satisfaction by means of closed form solution for redundant robot arms Proceedings Article

In: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO 2013, S. 2106–2111, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-4799-2744-9.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Autonomous robotics, inverse kinematics, motion constraints, redundant robot


Iossifidis, Ioannis

Motion Constraint Satisfaction by Means of Closed Form Solution for Redundant Robot Arms Proceedings Article

In: Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (RoBio2013), 2013.

Abstract | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Autonomous robotics, inverse kinematics, motion constraints, redundant robot



Reimann, Hendrik; Iossifidis, Ioannis; Schoner, Gregor; Schöner, Gregor

Integrating orientation constraints into the attractor dynamics approach for autonomous manipulation Proceedings Article

In: 2010 10th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, S. 294–301, IEEE, 2010, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8688-5.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: attractor dynamics approach, Autonomous robotics, Dynamical systems, inverse kinematics



Reimann, Hendrik; Iossifidis, Ioannis

Mathematical and Simulation Framework for Arbitrary Open Chain Manipulators Forschungsbericht

Institut für Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Nr. IRINI 2008-03, 2008.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: inverse kinematics, screw theory



Iossifidis, Ioannis

Dynamische Systeme zur Steuerung anthropomorpher Roboterarme in autonomen Robotersystemen Buch

Logos Verlag Berlin, 2006.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Autonomous robotics, Dynamical systems, inverse kinematics


Iossifidis, Ioannis

Dynamische Systeme zur Steuerung anthropomorpher Roboterarme in autonomen Robotersystemen Promotionsarbeit

Faculty for Physics and Astronomy, Ruhr-University Bochum, 2006.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Autonomous robotics, Dynamical systems, inverse kinematics



Iossifidis, Ioannis; Schöner, Gregor

Attractor dynamics approach for autonomous collision-free path generation in 3d-space for an 7 dof robot arm Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the ROBOTIK 2004, Leistungsstand - Anwendungen - Visionen - Trends, number 1841 in VDI-Berichte, S. 815–822, VDI/VDE VDI Verlag, München, Germany, 2004.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: arm movement model, Autonomous robotics, collision avoidance, Dynamical systems, inverse kinematics, movement model


Prassler, Erwin; Lawitzky, Gisbert; Stopp, Andreas; Grunwald, Gerhard; Hägele, Martin; Dillmann, Rüdiger; Iossifidis, Ioannis

Advances in Human Robot Interaction Buch

Springer Press, 2004.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: arm movement model, Autonomous robotics, behavior generation, Dynamical systems, inverse kinematics, movement model, redundant robot arm


Prassler, Erwin; Lawitzky, Gisbert; Stopp, Andreas; Grunwald, Gerhard; Hägele, Martin; Dillmann, Rüdiger; Iossifidis, Ioannis

Advances in Human Robot Interaction (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics) Buch

Springer, 2004, ISBN: 3540232117.

Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: arm movement model, Autonomous robotics, behavior generation, Dynamical systems, inverse kinematics, movement model, redundant robot arm



Iossifidis, Ioannis; Steinhage, Axel

Controlling a Redundant Robot Arm by Means of a Haptic Sensor Proceedings Article

In: ROBOTIK 2002, Leistungsstand - Anwendungen - Visionen, S. 269–274, VDI Verlag, Ludwigsburg, Germany, 2002, ISSN: 00835560.

Abstract | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: artificial skin, inverse kinematics, Machine Learning, man-machine-interaction, robot manipulator control


Iossifidis, Ioannis; Steinhage, A

Controlling a redundant robot arm by means of a haptic sensor Buch

2002, ISSN: 00835560.

Abstract | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: artificial skin, inverse kinematics, Machine Learning, man-machine-interaction, robot manipulator control


Iossifidis, Ioannis; Steinhage, Axel

Controlling a Redundant Robot Arm by Means of a Haptic Sensor Proceedings Article

In: ROBOTIK 2002, Leistungsstand - Anwendungen - Visionen, S. 269–274, VDI/VDE VDI Verlag, Ludwigsburg, Germany, 2002.

Abstract | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: artificial skin, inverse kinematics, Machine Learning, man-machine-interaction, robot manipulator control


Iossifidis, Ioannis; Steinhage, A

Controlling a redundant robot arm by means of a haptic sensor Buch

2002, ISSN: 00835560.

Abstract | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: artificial skin, direct physical interaction, haptic interface, inverse kinematics, Machine Learning, man-machine-interaction, robot manipulator control


Iossifidis, Ioannis; Steinhage, Axel

Controlling a Redundant Robot Arm by Means of a Haptic Sensor Proceedings Article

In: ROBOTIK 2002, Leistungsstand - Anwendungen - Visionen, S. 269–274, VDI/VDE VDI Verlag, Ludwigsburg, Germany, 2002.

Abstract | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: artificial skin, inverse kinematics, Machine Learning, man-machine-interaction, robot manipulator control


Iossifidis, Ioannis; Steinhage, A

Controlling a redundant robot arm by means of a haptic sensor Buch

2002, ISSN: 00835560.

Abstract | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: artificial skin, direct physical interaction, haptic interface, inverse kinematics, Machine Learning, man-machine-interaction, robot manipulator control


Iossifidis, Ioannis; Steinhage, Axel

Controlling a Redundant Robot Arm by Means of a Haptic Sensor Proceedings Article

In: ROBOTIK 2002, Leistungsstand - Anwendungen - Visionen, S. 269–274, VDI/VDE VDI Verlag, Ludwigsburg, Germany, 2002.

Abstract | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: artificial skin, inverse kinematics, Machine Learning, man-machine-interaction, robot manipulator control


Iossifidis, Ioannis; Steinhage, A

Controlling a redundant robot arm by means of a haptic sensor Buch

2002, ISSN: 00835560.

Abstract | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: artificial skin, direct physical interaction, haptic interface, inverse kinematics, man-machine-interaction, robot manipulator control


Iossifidis, Ioannis; Steinhage, Axel

Controlling a Redundant Robot Arm by Means of a Haptic Sensor Proceedings Article

In: ROBOTIK 2002, Leistungsstand - Anwendungen - Visionen, S. 269–274, VDI/VDE VDI Verlag, Ludwigsburg, Germany, 2002.

Abstract | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: artificial skin, inverse kinematics, man-machine-interaction, robot manipulator control



Iossifidis, Ioannis; Steinhage, Axel

Control of an 8 DoF Manipulator by Means of Neural Fields Proceedings Article

In: Halme, Aarne; Chatila, Raja; Prassler, Erwin (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the International Conference On Field and Service Robotics, FSR2001, Yleisjäljennös-Painopörssi, Helsinki, Finland, 2001.

Abstract | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: inverse kinematics, Machine Learning, neural fields, robot manipulator control


Iossifidis, Ioannis; Steinhage, Axel

Control of an 8 DoF Manipulator by Means of Neural Fields Proceedings Article

In: Halme, Aarne; Chatila, Raja; Prassler, Erwin (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the International Conference On Field and Service Robotics, FSR2001, Yleisjäljennös-Painopörssi, Helsinki, Finland, 2001.

Abstract | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: inverse kinematics, Machine Learning, neural fields, robot manipulator control


Iossifidis, Ioannis; Steinhage, Axel

Control of an 8 DoF Manipulator by Means of Neural Fields Proceedings Article

In: Halme, Aarne; Chatila, Raja; Prassler, Erwin (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the International Conference On Field and Service Robotics, FSR2001, Yleisjäljennös-Painopörssi, Helsinki, Finland, 2001.

Abstract | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: inverse kinematics, Machine Learning, neural fields, robot manipulator control


Iossifidis, Ioannis; Steinhage, Axel

Control of an 8 DoF Manipulator by Means of Neural Fields Proceedings Article

In: Halme, Aarne; Chatila, Raja; Prassler, Erwin (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the International Conference On Field and Service Robotics, FSR2001, Yleisjäljennös-Painopörssi, Helsinki, Finland, 2001.

Abstract | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: inverse kinematics, neural fields, robot manipulator control